Tuesday, February 16, 2010

[info] Snowman

A snowman is an anthropomorphic snow sculpture of a human. They are customarily built by children as part of a family project in celebration ofwinter. In some cases, participants in winter festivals will build large numbers of snowmen. Because a snowman is short-lived, it is a good example of popular installation art. Packing snow is formed when regular powder snow comes near its melting point and becomes moist and compact. This allows for the construction of large balls of snow by simply rolling a ball of snow until it grows the desired size, if the snow ball reaches the bottom of the grassit may tear up some grass, gravel, dirt etc. Attempting to make a snowman out of powdered snow is extremely difficult since it will not stick to itself. And if packing snow is not rolled into snowballs before it freezes, it will form an unusable denser form of powdered snow called crust. InEurope and North America, snowmen are built with 3 spheres which contain the head, torso, and lower body. Thus the best time to build a snowman is usually in the next warmest afternoon directly following a snowfall with a sufficient amount of snow.

The common trend is to then dress the snowman, usually with rocks, coal, sticks, and vegetables. Carrots or cherries are often used for thenose, as are sticks for arms and stones for eyes (traditionally lumps of coal). Some like to dress their snowmen in clothing (scarves, jackets,hats). However, some may prefer not to risk leaving supplies out doors where they could easily be stolen if someone were so maliciously inclined. Also, snowmen usually melt quite quickly on a hot day, which could cause clothing to become stuck under melting ice if not removed promptly. There are variations to these standard forms. These other types range from snow columns to elaborate snow sculptures (similar to ice sculptures).

Snowmen are usually built with two spheres in East Asia. In Japan, they are called Yuki daruma (雪だるま Yuki daruma)

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowman

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